Thursday, November 03, 2011

To Pile or Not to Pile?

In general there are those that like to display their items and those that like to have things hidden away.  I most certainly fall into the stash your items camp, preferring a Zen uncluttered space; however, I grew up living with a knick-knack lover whose decoration philosophy was most definitely “more is better”. 

This tendency can also typically be applied to one’s organizational preferences; to pile or not to pile.  Although pilers may come across as being disorganized, they often have a method to their madness and know what is contained in all their piles; however, if left to continuously accumulate this approach can quickly become overwhelming and even pilers with the best memory may get lost.  On the other end of the spectrum, you have those that need to have a place for everything to ensure their spaces remain organized and chaos free.

One approach is not better than the other; it is simply a matter of preference.  Once you have identified what camp you fall into, you are ready to start out on your organizational journey focusing on techniques that align with your natural organization style.  Don’t fight your nature, adapt to it! 

Happy organizing!

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