Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sorting & Folding: Organizing the Linen Closet

There are times when specific organizing items are required; however, I am a big believer in not always needing to spend money to get organized.  After all, do you really want to spend money getting your linen closet in order?

Sometimes just folding your items and sorting like items with like items can make a huge impact.
I present the before:

I did not spend a penny to organize this linen closet.  Rather, I pulled everything out, sorted each item in piles: towels, sheets, blankets and table cloths and then folded them in a way to fit nicely on the shelves.
And voilĂ :

At just a glance, the family can now easily find their linens and all it took was a little time to sort, fold and re-stock.
Taking the time to properly fold and put away your linens will ensure that it stays very tidy.
Happy organizing!

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