Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Keeping a Positive Outlook

Over the years I have used several different email programs - Hotmail, Gmail, and  Lotus Notes  to  name a few - and my all-time preferred email software - whether at work or at home - is by far Microsoft OutlookTM. 
At first glance, they may all seem to offer similar features: email, contacts, calendar and possibly tasks and notes, but none really presented the information in a clean, integrated and easy to use format quite like Microsoft.  Outlook was the first time that I used a program that actually got me excited about managing emails, calendars and contacts.  It was a one stop shop for my key daily references.  Over time this has also expanded to include RSS feeds (more on that another time).

I even recall battling with a previous employer to get Outlook instead of Outlook Express (Express just doesn't cut it in this case).  I continue to grow and learn with this program, so as to fully leverage the plethora of functions it has to offer to help me streamline and organize my busy life.

Over the coming weeks, I will explore each of the main functions offered in Outlook.  Stay tuned J

Happy organizing!

P.S. Be sure to leave a comment if there are any specific features that you would like me to review.

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