Monday, May 19, 2014

DIY: Goo Gone

I’ve been on a DIY kick as of late and today I decided to attempt a non-toxic Goo Gone.  I love the original for its effectiveness; however, the harsh smell typically left me with a headache.  This version may require a little bit more scrubbing, but gets the job done in the end – naturally.

I found several recipes during my research: some called for 2 parts baking soda to one part coconut oil; others suggested corn oil; and I even stumbled upon one post that suggested gasoline and citrus oil.  But I was looking for a healthy, non-toxic version – plus I have a huge tub of coconut oil so I set out to use the following approach:

Melt 1/3 cup coconut oil in the microwave until melted but not hot.  It took me three 10 second turns in the microwave with a quick stir after rounds 2 and 3, followed by a final 5 second spin to remove any final lumps.

Add in 1/3 cup baking soda and stir until well combined.

Add 10 or so drops of essential oil.  This step is completely optional, but I have some lovely lavender essential oil that I added.

Transfer to a sealable jar and you’re done!

The process is ridiculously quick.  In fact this post took me longer to compile than the entire DIY Goo Gone preparation.

A word of caution.  Due to the inclusion of baking soda which is an abrasive, it can leave faint scratches on plastic.  Glass should be good to go.   

Happy organizing!

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