Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Saturday, July 12, 2014

DIY Non-Toxic Dryer Sheets

I've been taking stock of all of my household cleaning supplies and reviewing how toxic they actually are.  I found a site called the Environmental Working Group that is stellar at helping you classify the toxicity level of both household items and beauty supplies.  

To avoid feeling overwhelmed, I started by surveying my laundry cleaning supplies, only to discover that my absolutely favorite laundry item – dryer sheets – were the most toxic!  I was completely bummed until I found a DIY project that uses safe ingredients I always have on hand: vinegar, essential oil and J Cloths.  J Cloth  is a brand of multi-purpose cleaning cloths and is very reminiscent of my childhood (hence why I still refer to them as J Cloths even though I used a different brand).